About Us

The Society of Electrical, Electronics and Energy engineers (SEEEI) is one of the leading professional organizations in Israel with large-scale activity, international recognition, long-standing tradition and values that guide us all the way.

There are about 4,500 individual and 50 corporates members from 800 companies, factories, academic institutions and various offices, among them 160 members with a PhD degree and about 250 students.

The Society is a member of EUREL, an umbrella organization of electrical engineering associations in Europe, works in cooperation with professional bodies in Israel and abroad and represents well-known international associations in Israel: the International Lighting Committee - CIE and the American Association of Heating, Cooling and Air Conditioning Engineers - ASHRAE.

The main goals of the Society are:

  • Preserve and enhance the level and competence of the profession
  • Represent the profession before the legislative, government and municipal authorities
  • Help develop the national economy and infrastructure
  • Promote the electrical and electronics engineers
  • Elevate the image of the profession in the public opinion

The Society cooperates with international professional organizations and conducts a wealth of activities associated with the profession, its tradition and its values.

 Regular Activities

The regular activities include day and evening seminars, training courses on various engineering topics and annual conventions, that are conducted in ten main Chapters and ten Forums.

Chapters, Forums and Council

Ten Chapters that are hosted by SEEEI:

  • Maintenance and Safety
  • QA and Reliability
  • Communications and Information Technologies
  • Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration
  • Electrical Design and Project Management
  • Electromagnetic Compatibility
  • Testing Engineering
  • Renewable Energies
  • Power Electronics
  • Lighting Engineering
  • Water and Plumbing


Ten Forums that are hosted by SEEEI: Managers of design offices, Chief electrical engineers, Electrical installation inspectors, Electric transportation, Electrical safetyPower plant engineers, Electrical panel manufacturers, Municipal Electrical Engineers, Cybersecurity of Critical Infrastructure and Forum of students and young engineers.

Engineering Council

The Engineering Council is the supreme professional body of society. Its members include recognized technical and managerial authorities from various economic sectors. The Academic Council has 15 academicians and 35 senior specialists and engineers, all of them have an outstanding professional record. As an objective body of electrical engineering society, the Engineering Council deliberates various important documents for the decision makers of the Israeli economy.

The Engineering Council agenda focuses on pivotal electrical engineering and energy topics, such as: training, certification and registration of electrical engineering professionals, certification of testing personnel, power quality and reliability matters, environmental impact of electrical installations, utility market structure, and many others.

The Engineering Council delegates specialists to different advisory subcommittees for the government and governmental institutions.

 Professional Training

A major and important part of the Society activity is professional training, which is done as part of conferences, seminars, courses, workshops and meetings.

The Center for Continuing Education conducts long-term courses and advanced training that cover important topics for the work of electrical, energy and air- conditioning engineers, with the aim of expanding the members' areas of practice. The advanced training allows our members to be quickly updated on most of the changes that the profession is undergoing in terms of standardization, regulation and technological innovation.


The Society routinely conducts a general Annual Convention and sectorial conventions of the Maintenance and Safety Chapter, Renewable Energy Chapter, Air-Conditioning Chapter, Innovation & Research Chapter, Electric transportation Chapter and Inspections & Measurements Engineers Chapters.


The Annual Convention is the most important activity of the electrical, electronics and energy engineers' community, serving as a platform for the presentation of innovations, success stories, new developments, updates, new ideas and approaches, all in a broad spectrum of topics associated with electrical engineering, energy, control and communications.

During the convention, awards for distinguished life achievement in the field of electrical engineering are handed by the Minister of Energy, and society honorary membership certificates are awarded to society members, that made significant contributions to the development of the electrical sector.

More than two thousand engineers, academicians and other professionals from more than 500 companies and institutions, from Israel and abroad, attended the convention last year. An exhibition is held during the convention, where many leading companies from Israel and abroad display advanced electrical products, new hardware products, modern software and innovative technologies.

This year's convention, Electricity & Energy 2024, will take place between November,12 -16 in Eilat.

"Electricity & Energy 2024" website